Analyzing Teacher-Student Interaction in English-Medium Classrooms: Flanders’ and Initiation-Response-Feedback Model in-Focus

education, teachers and student, interaction categories, initiation-response-feedback pattern, PhilippinesAbstract
This study analyzed teacher-student interaction in English-medium classrooms using Flanders’ Interaction Analysis and the Initiation-Response-Feedback (IRF) pattern frameworks. Eight teachers from the College of Teacher Education (CTE) at a private higher institutions participated in the study: three were observed during their teaching process for a total of six hours, and five were interviewed. Using the Flanders’ Model, the main categories involved were indirect teacher talk, direct teacher talk, student talk, and silence. On the other hand, using IRF, the results revealed that head acts involved initiating acts, which consisted of requestives, directives, elicitation, and informatives; responding acts, which composed of positive, negative, and temporization responses; and then follow-up acts, which comprised of endorsement, concession, and acknowledgement. The study underscores the significance of balancing direct and indirect talk to foster more dynamic and interactive classroom environments. Mapping out specific interaction patterns such as initiating insights for educators to refine their teaching strategies and enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anjelyn E. Balaobao, Angel Joyce C. Calapaan, Sheane Ann G. Cubero, Christian Jay O. Syting

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