Critique and Construction of Gender-Based Islamic Education Classroom Management


  • Sri Lestari Universitas Islam An Nur Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia
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Critique, Construction, Islamic Education, Classroom Management, Gender


Gender-Based Islamic Education Classroom Management focuses on creating a learning environment that respects and accommodates the distinct needs and roles of male and female students, in line with Islamic principles. This research aims to review several articles on gender-based islamic education classroom management and generate new ideas to reduce gender bias and increase active participation and student achievement in the learning process. This research uses an article review method, which involves summarizing several published articles, comparing them, providing critiques, and generating new construction or ideas as a development of scientific knowledge. The results of this research include reviews of several articles on the new concept of educational management, namely separated classroom management, as a factor that can improve student achievement. The critique of this concept is that while it has been implemented in many places, it is only suitable for monolithic institutions and not suitable for multicultural institutions. The construction of this concept applies supervision management as a solution to concerns about disrupting the learning process.


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How to Cite

Lestari, S. (2024). Critique and Construction of Gender-Based Islamic Education Classroom Management. Journal Corner of Education, Linguistics, and Literature, 4(001), 1–10.