Analysis of the Registers in Sport Articles in the Jakarta Post Online Newspaper


  • Rizki Aziza Lampung University
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sport registers, online newspaper, word formation


This research aimed to examine sport registers in online newspaper, and to obtain a list of words and phrases that are commonly used by the sport team when mentioning certain terms in the field of sport. The study was constrained by an examination of sport registers in the Jakarta Post online newspaper. The analytical research method and document analysis were used in this study. The study's findings were as follows: In the first article, it was found that six (6) or 31.5% data were classified as borrowing words, one (1) or 5.2% were acronyms, two (2) or 10.6% were abbreviations, two (2) or 10.6% were compounding, and eight (8) or 42.1% were categorized as inflections. In the second article, it was found that twelve (12) or 52,2% data were classified as borrowing words, one (1) or 4,3% were abbreviations, two (2) or 8,7% were compounding, and eight (8) or 34,8% were categorized as inflections. Moreover, in the third article, it was found that seven (7) or 31,8% data were classified as borrowing words, four (4) or 18,2% as acronyms, two (2) or 9,1% were abbreviations, one (1) or 4,5% were compounding, and eight (8) or 36,4% were categorized as inflections. There are not only words but phrase registers were found sport articles. There are 11 phrases found in three online news of sport article. It can be concluded that there are many registers to be found in sports news in the Jakarta Post online newspaper.


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How to Cite

Aziza, R. (2022). Analysis of the Registers in Sport Articles in the Jakarta Post Online Newspaper. Journal Corner of Education, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(3), 157–167.


